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Bulls break down social stats

The Bradford Bulls can today provide a detailed breakdown of our Social Media statistics across the last 12 months.

REACH: 28,309,999. From December 2022 to November 2023 inclusive, our Social Media posts reached 28,309,999 users across our five main Social Media platforms. Our highest performing platform in this area was Facebook.

IMPRESSIONS: 55,539,771. From the aforementioned time period, we gained 55,539,771 across all our five main Social Media platforms. Our highest performing platform in this area was Twitter, with a whopping 29,300,508 impressions.

ENGAGEMENTS: 4,788,800. We received 4,788,800 engagements across Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and TikTok from December 2022 to November 2023. Engagements include Likes, Comments and Shares on posts. Our highest performing platform in this metric was Twitter.

LIKES: 578,808. The platform that received the greatest number of likes from last December to November this year was Instagram, with 204842 likes.

COMMENTS: 74,148. Facebook was the platform where we received the most comments over the last 12 months, with 74,148 comments across 2,802 posts.

SHARES: 27,736. From December 2022 to November 2023 inclusive, our posts were shared 27,736 times from our digital audience, with Twitter being the platform with the highest number (8,449).

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