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Does your business take a proactive approach to electrical maintenance?

A proactive approach to electrical maintenance can save you time, money and a lot of a hassle. But how do you know whether or not your business is proactive? Here’s a simple definition and some key considerations…

Defining a proactive approach

Whether it’s electrical maintenance or your personal health, a proactive approach is about controlling a situation with forward thinking rather than responding whenever something goes wrong.

Take your car, for example. A proactive person will get it serviced each year to keep everything running smoothly, potentially requiring some small repairs. Their car will last longer as a result, so they have plenty of time to save for the next one whenever it’s recommended.

A reactive person will wait until they fail their MOT or break down at the side of the road before taking action. Or maybe they’ll get a nasty surprise when their car doesn’t start the morning of an important meeting. Typical, right?

Someone with a reactive approach might think they’ve saved time and money skipping their annual service, but they’re now lumbered with a hefty bill for extensive repairs or even a new car – not to mention all the disruption it’s caused.

Are you proactive or reactive?

That’s enough about cars – what about electrical maintenance? In truth, it’s not a million miles away. There are several aspects of your electrics you should look to get tested or serviced on a regular basis, much like servicing your car.

That starts with an electrical installation condition report (EICR), which is an inspection of the electrical system itself. A qualified electrician will inspect every aspect of your electrical installation from wiring and shock risks to defective work and overloaded circuits.

You should also get appliances PAT tested to make sure they’re safe to use and fully functional. This applies to everything from phone chargers to vending machines, freezers and photocopiers. With both PAT and EICR, your contractor will recommend how regularly you should rebook going forward.

Other elements of a proactive approach include servicing your fire alarms, testing emergency lighting, and making sure you book in any recommended repairs as soon as possible.

What to do next

If you’re confident that your business takes a proactive approach to electrical maintenance, that’s great. But if you’re firmly leaning towards the reactive side, it could be time to make some changes.

A proactive approach to electrical maintenance saves you time by swapping extensive work for quick, routine checks. It often saves money with small fixes much cheaper than big repairs or replacements.

On top of that, it allows you to sidestep the disruption, stress and even harm that’s caused when unexpected problems arise with your electrical system or appliances.

To find out more about electrical maintenance, visit

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