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Interview opportunity: York Free School Meals

Working together with the schools currently involved in the Free School Meals pilot would like to offer media contacts the opportunity to express an interest in visiting one of the schools to film, record or report on the implementation of the programmes.

At the moment we have multiple slots available to visit Westfield Primary School (dates below) and based on levels of interest we can look at expanding media opportunities. We would only be looking for one media outlet to take part in each slot.

  • Tuesday 23rd January
  • Tuesday 30th January

We will be able to help arrange interviews with a senior member of staff at the school and a Council representative to discuss the pilots, along with an opportunity to film/record the meals being served. The schools may also be able to assist with arranging for a young people to also provide short interviews if requested in advance.

Specific times will be confirmed once dates have been allocated but we would be looking at times during the morning on each day.

If your outlet would be interested in visiting the school to take part please email directly, rather than contacting the schools, and include which date you would like to visit.